Falls in older adults

Keep Control: Efficacy of perturbation-based gait training in older adults

The overall aim of this project is to test the potential of the such perturbation-based training by use of a newly developed dual-belt treadmill, with options for fast, ecologically valid trip and slip perturbations, triggered in various gait phases, to improve dynamic stability and prevent falls in older persons at risk for falls.

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Falling: a mismatch between self-perceived and actual abilities in older adults?

Falls occur when we are exposed to balance threats and do not have the capacity to respond adequately. When our capacities decline with age, do we adjust our behaviour accordingly? Overestimation of ones own capacities may lead to risk-taking and consequently to falls in daily activities. Underestimation, by contrast, may lead to sedentary behaviour and eventually falls through an accelerated decline of physical capacities.

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