Marco Hoozemans

Jaap van Dieën

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Van der Boechorststraat 9, 1081 BT Amsterdam
room D-452

+31 20 59 88561

General Interests

My main research interests focus on the upper extremities in work, rehabilitation and sports. I am interested in the epidemiology of upper extremity symptoms in this context. More specifically, I aim to understand how exposure to and the biomechanics of upper extremity actions are related to optimal and non-optimal upper extremity functioning. In addition, I have a general interest in research methodology and statistics in human movement sciences.


I have co-supervised 7 PhD students and have (co-) authored over 90 papers in international scientific journals. I have been a member of the editorial board of the Dutch Journal of Ergonomics and I currently serve as an associate editor of IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors.

Current Research

Currently, I am involved in research projects on baseball pitching, wheelchair basketball, mobility of older adults, occupational ergonomics and orthopaedics.


I obtained a PhD in Medicine from the University of Amsterdam in 2001 on the relationship between pushing and pulling and musculoskeletal symptoms, supervised by prof.dr. Monique Frings-Dresen, prof.dr. Frank van Dijk, prof.dr. Allard van der Been and prof.dr. Luc van der Woude. I have been affiliated to the department of Human Movement Sciences of the Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam as an assistant professorsince 2001. As part of this affiliation I have been working as a researcher and consultant of the expertise center for rehabilitation, ergonomics and sports of the department of human movement sciences, and as coordinator of CORAL, the centre for orthopaedic research at the department of orthopaedics at Medical Centre Alkmaar.

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  • Breaking the high load – bad coordination in overhead sports injuries

    The aim of this project is to develop a system to provide feedback on loading of the arm and key coordination parameters in sports activities such as a tennis stroke, which provides information on the (accumulated) load a, based on power flow models and ligament loading estimates.
  • Fast and safe throwing in baseball (FASTBALL)

    In baseball, the pitcher plays a crucial role by accurately throwing balls at high speed. FASTBALL aims to explore the development of anthropometric and functional characteristics of elite youth baseball pitchers in relation to throwing speeds, kinematics and musculoskeletal injuries. Moreover, traditional and new methods for motor learning are studied in baseball pitching, which also ...
  • The perfect sports wheelchair

    In this project methods are developed to give wheelchair-bound athletes feedback on their performance, with the purpose to improve themselves and to improve their wheelchair. Videos of wheelchair basketball games were extensively analyzed and measurements were performed using sensors that fit to a sports wheelchair. The methodology is used to study the optimal configuration of ...



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Excerpts of scientific work

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Excerpts of scientific work

For the complete lineup, refer to VU Research Portal

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