Annike Bekius

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Van der Boechorststraat 9, 1081 BT Amsterdam
room B648
I am currently investigating the emergence of muscle synergies in children with cerebral palsy (CP). CP is a non-progressive syndrome involving poor motor control, spasticity, paralysis, and other neurological problems caused by lesions in an immature brain. The overall aim of my project is to characterize the underlying mechanisms of the development of walking in children with CP, through the combined measurement of electromyography (EMG) and electroencephalography (EEG).
I fulfilled the bachelor Psychobiology and the research master Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). In the final research project of my master in Berlin I investigated the effect of rhythmic regularity on event-related potentials in the EEG. This brought me into contact with Andreas Daffertshofer, which ultimately led to the start of my PhD in January 2016 at the department of Human Movement Sciences.
The development of walking in children with cerebral palsy
The aim of my PhD project is to characterize the underlying mechanisms of the development of walking in children with CP, by the combined measurement of brain and muscular activity (EEG and EMG). During 2 years, we follow the walking development of children with (high risk for developing) CP between 1 month and 3 years old.
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