Sabrina Chettouf

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Van der Boechorststraat 9, 1081 BT Amsterdam
room A613
+31 20 59 88549

Current research

I seek to gain more insight on how and where neural changes alter the motor network due to ageing. I started with this search during my Research Master project that culminated in a PhD-project that is being supervised by Andreas Daffertshofer (VU) and Petra Ritter (Charité Medical Center, Berlin).


After receiving my bachelor diploma in Human Movement Sciences, I started the Research Master ‘Human Movement Sciences, Sport, Exercise & Health’, where I wrote my thesis: ‘Effects of ageing on inter-hemispheric cross-talk during unimanual motor learning – an fMRI/EEG study. I received my degree in November 2014 with honors (cum laude).

During my PhD I received my University Teaching Qualification, that demonstrate a proven ability to develop and teach courses at university level and is recognized by all Dutch universities.

Effects of ageing on inter-hemispheric cross-talk – studying EEG, fMRI, and DTI in the context of motor learning

My PhD project focuses on the age-related changes in the symmetry of cortical activity patterns during motor performance, with a specific focus on motor learning. For this, I performed simultaneous EEG/fMRI and DTI recordings in young and older adults at the Charité Medical Center in Berlin.


Other PHD Students

At a glance: All current PhD Students at Coordination Dynamics