Bachelor Courses

For a comprehensive overview of the Bachelor’s program please consult the Study Guide (in Dutch).

First year

  • Sensomotorische Coördinatie (Sensorimotor Coordination)
    A selected list of current research questions regarding sensorimotor coordination will be discussed. This will provide fundamental knowledge about neurophysiological and psychological aspects of movement coordination, in particular in relation to the sensorimotor system. That knowledge covers key theoretical concepts, seminal experimental findings, and practical applications.
  • Psychologie (Psychology)
    Several theories and methods in psychological research will be introduced. Focus is on their relation and implications to human movement. Particular topics cover perception, memory, dual-tasking, awareness and emotion, both in behavior and underlying neuro-physiology.

Second year

  • Motorisch Leren en Ontwikkelen (Motor Learning and Development)
    Several scientific disciplines and theoretical concepts are incorporated to approach motor learning and developments. Theses different routes come with a variety of implications that will be discussed in the context of fundamental movement science as well as in sports-related applications.

Third year

  • Neuro- en Revalidatiepsychologie (Neuro- and Rehabilitation psychology)
    How does brain damage affect cognitive motor behavior? In this course this question will be answered by discussing how executive function, emotion, internal representation, and spatial orientation change with pathology and trauma. A similar emphasis will be put on higher cognitive function in the context of pathologies like apraxia, neglect, attentional deficits, or ‘frontal’ syndroms. Finally, we discuss future approaches and interventions on how to ‘rewire’ the damaged brain network.