Understanding Ageing and Mobility
Locations of Principal Academic Partners
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
KU Leuven
Manchester Metropolitan University
Distribution of responsibilities
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Department of Human Movement Sciences
- Kinesiology 100%
- Physiology 80%
- Neuroscience 25%
Manchester Metropolitan University
Institute for Biomedical Research into Human Movement and Health (IRM)
- Kinesiology 80%
- Muscle Physiology 50%
- Medical Sciences 25%
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Doctoral School of Biomedical Sciences
- Kinesiology 100%
- Electrophysiology 50%
- Neuroscience 25%
Our tasks and results
The mission to provide a reference for structured doctoral training in the field of ageing and mobility by:
- developing and expanding a knowledge base for basic understanding of factors limiting and enhancing mobility in an ageing population,
- developing and disseminating methods and tools for integrative study of human mobility,
- establishing structured links between scientists, health care and public health professionals, and related industry.
This will be achieved through original and independent research by the PhD students in a strong interactive, interdisciplinary and international network in which PhD students work closely together with basic scientists, engineers, and clinicians as well as SMEs and public health and health care professionals.
Program Coordinator
Cooperation Partners
Industrial Organizations
This project has received funding from the European Commission as part of the Erasmus Mundus programme with grant numbers:
2011-0015, 2012-1704, 2013-1460, 2014-0691, 2015-1614/001–001–EMJD