Bimanual Coordination

Bimanual Coordination

What are the (de-)stabilizing effects in inter-limb coordination? We study the contributions of various levels of neurophysiological control processes to the interaction between limbs, and how these contributions change as a function of, e.g., movement frequency and amplitude, learning, development and pathology.

For most of us playing the piano forms a major hurdle as moving our hands and fingers accurately and independently is easier said than done. Does this difficulty stem from a cross-talk by which activity from one side spills over to the other side of the body? In contrast to current beliefs we submit that bimanual activity is the primary vehicle of control for all limb movements, unilateral and bilateral. This hypothesis derives from the notion that the structural symmetry of the central nervous system yields cross-talk, in particular when the movement-related neural activity becomes synchronized. Unimanual performance is thus achieved via an active suppression of the contralateral limb, that is, through inhibition of corresponding motor areas.

  • We are testing this idea by building on our vast experience on behavioral paradigms on rhythmic upper limb coordination. The experimental tasks differ in precision and intention so as to modulate the difficulty of performance and, by hypothesis, the degree of cross-talk and energy expenditure.
  • We co-register the magneto- and electro-encephalogram (M/EEG) to assess accompanying cortical synchronization patterns. To test for correlations between left/right cross-talk we also monitor the corresponding metabolism using functional MRI and estimate structural connectivity via DTI.

We capitalize on a heuristic model for bimanual coordination and its accompanying neural activities. The model predicts changes in behavioral stability due to (a loss of) time-scale separation between cross-talk related amplitude and phase dynam- ics. By introducing directionality into the model, the cross-talk becomes consistent with confirmed findings that hand-specific coding also exists and that interactions occur between the motor commands for each arm. Uncrossed efferent projections may underlie cross-talk at an executional level and dynamic interactions through the corpus callosum may provide a high-level link at the parametric programming level, allowing for flexible (de-)coupling.

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