Nini Jonkman

Jaap van Dieën

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Van der Boechorststraat 9, 1081 BT Amsterdam
room A613

+31 20 59 88533

General Interests

With a background of three Master’s degrees, in Human Movement Sciences, Life Sciences and Epidemiology, I combine my expertise on health behaviour and state-of-the-art statistical modelling to understand the heterogeneity in older populations and identify target groups for (early) interventions to prevent further decline in functioning, by using multiple large epidemiological databases for analysis. 

Current Research

Currently I work within the research group Mobility and Ageing on the Horizon2020 PreventIT project. In PreventIT we aim to develop a smartphone application to stimulate physical activity in younger elderly (60-70 years old) to prevent functional decline. I mainly contribute to the development of prediction models based on different databases to predict who will be at risk for functional decline on the long-term. I am also involved in the planning and execution of the feasibility randomized trial.


I obtaind my PhD at the University Medical Center Utrecht under the supervision of prof. Marieke Schuurmans and prof. Arno Hoes. The PhD project addressed self-management interventions for patients with a chronic condition, in which I could integrate my knowledge on motivational aspects of health behaviour. Through establishing an international collaboration for an individual patient data meta-analysis, I identified effective characteristics of self-management interventions and subgroups of patients in which such types of interventions work best. My interest lies in epidemiological research, behaviour change, physical activity and elderly populations.


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Excerpts of scientific work

For the complete lineup, refer to VU Research Portal


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Excerpts of scientific work

For the complete lineup, refer to VU Research Portal

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