Wendy Scholten-Peeters

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Van der Boechorststraat 9, 1081 BT Amsterdam
room n/a

+31 20 5988601

Personal Information

Wendy Scholten-Peeters’ main teaching and research interests focus on the effectiveness of physiotherapy in patients with musculoskeletal pain, the accuracy of diagnostic tests in this field and the working mechanism of physiotherapy/manual therapy. Her research mainly consists of clinical studies. She teaches physiotherapy/ manual therapy for bachelor/Master students and clinical professionals in various (inter-)national faculties. Moreover she works as a manual physiotherapist in a multidisciplinary setting and is chair of the educational committee of the Dutch Association for Manual Therapy. Before joining the Faculty of Human Movement Sciences at VU University Amsterdam in 2014, Wendy was senior researcher at the University of Applied Sciences, research groups Diagnostics, Breda, The Netherlands.

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Excerpts of scientific work

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Excerpts of scientific work

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